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恐怖袭击- 前言(布鲁斯·弗勒里)
TERROR STRIKES: Affiliates, Interviews, Press Releases, Quotes, Reviews, Trailer
乔·莱纳德(Joe Lenard)的新书《恐怖袭击:又名恐怖轨迹》虽然是一部虚构作品,但特别适时和热门,尤其是考虑到美国在 2021 年末莫名其妙地从阿富汗撤军。这样做,我们的国家在放弃“不让任何人掉队”的历史悠久的做法是的;但更重要的是,通过这样做,美国为塔利班日益增加的恐怖威胁敞开了大门,塔利班迅速接管了一个前盟友,使华盛顿的政客——基地组织——我们之前在继 9 月 11 日纽约市、华盛顿特区和宾夕法尼亚州斯托伊斯敦遭受毁灭性恐怖袭击之后; ISIS,我们几乎在一夜之间以无情的效率、决心和武力摧毁了它;伊斯兰圣战组织、伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队和其他组织发誓不仅要摧毁美国、以色列和我们在中东的盟友,还要摧毁西方文明本身,并在全球范围内建立伊斯兰哈里发。
乔的书从不同的角度审视了恐怖威胁,因为作为这本书的作者,他从小说主人公马滕的角度来看待它,他本人正在写一本关于这个主题的自己的书。此外,乔在沿途的各个方面提供了他自己的评论和见解,以确保我们永远不会忘记发生在怪物手中的事情,正如乔治 W. 布什在 9/11 袭击之后提醒我们的那样,拥有仇恨远远超过了他们微薄的人数。但乔并没有就此止步。以免我们忘记不仅对这个国家构成的生存危险,他还提醒我们过去在英国伦敦和西班牙马德里等地的其他恐怖行动,仅举几例。
Terror Strikes:又名 Terror Tracks 是 Joe 多年努力的结晶,终于取得了成果。而现在,我们都有幸读到一个人(实际上是两个人,乔和马丁)承担的国际危机,如果不以更紧迫的方式解决,就有可能谴责我们的后代生活在 7 世纪的噩梦中。很可能没有觉醒,如果有的话。
作者 - 黑人项目:玛格丽特·桑格对美国黑人的恶魔、欺骗、危险、灾难性和致命计划。
脱口秀电台主持人 – WAAM 电台周六上午 9 点的废奴主义者圆桌会议 (ART)。
(档案: http ://
#生命很重要! #AllLivesMatter。
在我即将出版的书中,我不会停止与#GIJIA #恐怖分子一起!

Honor. Integrity. Patriotism. --- For some people these are words. For bestselling author Joseph M Lenard, these are the core values that he embodies – every day - deeply engrained in every facet of his life and work.
It is this set of cherished values he brings to life in his latest #1 bestselling historical fiction novel, Terror Strikes. The book has been compared to The Sum of All Fears and Deep Impact. Joseph M. Lenard shred the “creative writing process formulaic methodologies” to create a writing style and literature like no other Author before.
Billed as a book for conservatives, but appropriate for all readers, this extraordinary new book is a stunning achievement, set apart from even the best historical fiction books, as it clearly demonstrates the need for situational awareness and vigilance in a world in which mass shootings and other forms of terrorism have become the norm. Reviewers have called the book "compelling", "historically accurate", and utterly "unique".
Terror Strikes connects the dots of not just foreign terrorists, but those both foreign and domestic that abhor Western culture and their attempts through terror attacks and other more shadowy undermining of our collective freedom to enjoy our individual lives, liberty, and the personal pursuit of happiness.
Whether you are a staunch conservative, a prepper, or just have concerns about what is happening in American life/society today, Terror Strikes will answer many of the questions you have regarding terrorism, foreign and domestic, and will make for a remarkable reading experience.