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Terror Strikes 不仅仅是一本书,而是一本书中的一本书,作为主角,Marten 是一名报人,正在写一本关于恐怖主义的书。它也是一本书中的博客,因为 Marten 使用他的博客作为一些源材料。恐怖袭击不仅作为历史教训和警告,而且不仅是那些失去的人的概念,还有幸存者的内疚和其他有关影响日常生活的暴力行为的相关问题。


恐怖袭击 - 这是什么书? TERROR STRIKES这本书是什么类型的书?它是否比标题所暗示的要多?

A bit about Joseph M. Lenard:


Joseph is very politically active in south-east Michigan. He is a MIGOP Delegate, a member of current MICD12GOP and is the webmaster for the MI 12CDRC as well as the Taylor Republican Club, as also a member of the Wayne-12CDRC and is the editor for its newsletter.


Joseph’s body of works contain copyrighted and published poetry. Joseph has written and recorded music, in the tradition of the Lenard family legacy; though not entirely in the tradition of his father Thaddeus, who was creator/leader of “The Polka Kings” that often toured throughout northeast United States.


​In addition, Joseph has about a dozen copyrighted short-stories including Watchful Eyes (sci-fi), Blue Monday (political thriller), Funhouse of Terror (horror) to his credit, as well as one other novel titled, The Gestapo Kidnap File. Joseph was also winner of CJOM (Windsor Ontario Canada) radio contest in the 1980’s with his radio play “The Adventures of Detective Idle” based upon the Billy Idol song, Eyes without a Face, to which it was paired with.


He resides in Michigan.

see too the full ABOUT THE AUTHOR page.



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