see too JMLenard Author Website
TERROR STRIKES - status (media updates)
Behind the Scenes look of an author and his book's journey - like never provided before...
Signed with publisher: January 12, 2022
Manuscript submission: 01/17/2022
Initial review: 01/18/2022
Copy-edit/reviews phase: 01/25/2022
to-date (2/23): 100% complete
final edits review: 03/16/22
Final draft submission: 03/17/22
Cover design phase (begun): 01/13/2022
(early "mock-up" see: http://TerrorStrikes.info/artwork)
next mock-up zoom meeting: 02/18/2022
first mock-ups review: 03/11/2022 (see art)
revised mock-ups: 03/16/2022 (see art)
final artwork approved: 03/17/2022 (see art)
Back design phase (begun): 01/23/2022
(early "mock-up" see: http://TerrorStrikes.info/artwork)
final mock-up: 03/16/22 (see art)
final artwork approved: 03/17/2022 (see art)
Typesetting phase:
begun: 02/23/2022
(see sample in: Artwork page)
completion: 03/16/22
BREAKING (Tue. Mar. 1st: TERROR STRIKES to be first Publication on/with MCHENRY (yes, like the Fort, for which the Star Spangled Banner was written) PRESS (a new subsidiary of ILLUMIFY (which will be their "American Patriots authors" political fare line of books))!
more: https://www.terrorstrikes.info/history-march3
and look for more updates on this coming soon!
See too: https://www.terrorstrikes.info/extras-history-march-17th
Sat. Mar. 19th added (to interviews)
Is there more to this book than title suggests?
Uploaded to Ingram/Sparks (POD): 03/22/22
New (added bonus material (see intro)) TERROR STRIKES inspired ILLUSTRATIONS pg: 03/19/22
TERROR STRIKES available pre-sale (only direct) via TerrorStrikes.info/buy: 03/22/22
TERROR STRIKES early release eBook/Kindle version via AMAZON: 03/24/22
TERROR STRIKES Video Trailer (03/26/2022):
Target release/delivery date: April 15th 2022*
* many will get the additional implication
TERROR STRIKES Amazon pre-sales: 03/23/22
Interviews have begun, first Podcast (3/30) with more Podcast/Radio/TV appearances to come:
latest interviews page update: 04/16/22
Official release dates
Softcover: 04/15/22
eBook/Kindle: 03/24/22 (early release)
Audio book: TBD
Terror Strikes takes to the AirWaves (4/17)...
Amazon (Kindle) #1 BestSeller (May 2022)
Terror Strikes AFFILIATES page added
Terror Strikes REVIEWS page added
BookBub (eBook) promotion: Memorial Day w/e 2022
Softcover ISBN: 978-1-955043-66-3
Kindle: B09WF5LB6H
LCCN: 2022904094
This book is intended for all audiences - young, old, and everywhere in-between; male, female; religious, non-religious; political, non-political. However, it is impossible to address the topic and why they want to kill us without delving into some religious texts and politics. The Torah, the Holy Bible, and the Quran, are all, places there-in, addressed.
illumify media
TERROR STRIKES: Affiliates, Interviews, Press Releases, Quotes, Reviews, Trailer