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TERROR STRIKES - Press Releases
[last page update(s): Thu. September 1 2022]
TERROR STRIKES: Affiliates, Interviews, Press Releases, Quotes, Reviews, Trailer
1) Terrorism is again on the rise warnings in new TERROR STRIKES book release
[PRLog June 4, 2022: https://www.prlog.org/12919943-terrorism-is-again-on-the-rise-warnings-in-new-terror-strikes-book-release.html (see too: DuckDuckGoSearch)]
2) Suicides Rates Rise Among Veterans, Police Officers, Even After The End Of Covid Lockdowns - Joseph M. Lenard, Bestselling Author Of Historical Fiction Novel, Terror Strikes, Shows Us How To Help
[24/7 Press Releases June 23, 2022: https://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/492245/suicides-rates-rise-among-veterans-police-officers-even-after-the-end-of-covid-lockdowns-joseph-m-lenard-bestselling-author-of-historical-fiction-novel-terror-strikes-shows-us-how-to-help (see too: DuckDuckGoSearch)]
3) Bestselling Author Joseph M. Lenard, Who Predicted Overturning Of Roe Vs Wade In Historical Fiction Novel Terror Strikes, Issues Statement On Supreme Court's Recent Rulings
[24/7 Press Releases June 29, 2022: https://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/492388/bestselling-author-joseph-m-lenard-who-predicted-overturning-of-roe-vs-wade-in-historical-fiction-novel-terror-strikes-issues-statement-on-supreme-courts-recent-rulings (see too: DuckDuckGoSearch)]
4) January 6 Hearings and The Overblown Right Wing Extremist Terrorism Narrative Addressed By Joseph M. Lenard, Author Of Bestselling Historical Fiction Book, Terror Strikes
[FreePublicityGroup July 5, 2022: http://www.freepublicitygroup.com/news/author-joseph-lenard-bestselling-historical-fiction-book-terror-strikes-right-wing-extremist-insurrection-july522/ (see too: DuckDuckGoSearch)]
5) Cancel Culture at it again, trying to Cancel Terror Strikes book
6) US Strike On Al Qaeda Leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri Is Long Overdue Says Joseph M. Lenard, Author Of Bestselling Historical Fiction Novel, Terror Strikes
7) New Bestselling Historical Fiction Book By Joseph M. Lenard, Terror Strikes, Encourages Situational Awareness On A International Level
[FreePublicityGroup: http://www.freepublicitygroup.com/news/release-joseph-lenard-author-bestselling-terror-strikes-novel-historical-fiction-political-thriller-conservatives-aug2522/]
8) Joseph M. Lenard, Author of Terror Strikes, Issues statement on AntiSemitism
9) Bestselling Author Joseph M. Lenard Partners with The Babylon Bee
[FreePublicityGroup: http://www.freepublicitygroup.com/news/release-bestselling-author-joseph-lenard-book-terror-strikes-babylon-bee-historiclal-fiction-oct322/]
1) Terrorism is again on the rise warnings in new TERROR STRIKES book release
[PRLog: https://www.prlog.org/12919943-terrorism-is-again-on-the-rise-warnings-in-new-terror-strikes-book-release.html]
Terrorism is again on the rise, and addressed in: "TERROR STRIKES - Coming to a City near you" as well as many relatable sub-themes.
By: Joseph M Lenard media 1 2 3 4 5
WYANDOTTE, Mich. - June 4, 2022 - PRLog -- Some think that Terrorism waned during the Wuhan Lockdown days/weeks/years; it did not!
Terrorism may not have been an often Report on your News channel of choice, but not because there was not any, just that they chose to cover particular other narratives they preferred over Reporting all News.
Terror Strikes is a fact/fiction blend discussing Terrorism (again on the rise), as well as many other relatable sub-themes. Some locations discussed in the book are: Laughlin NV, Naperville (Chicago suburb) IL, Toronto Ontario Canada, London England, Madrid Spain, Tokyo Japan, as well as others. But do not let the title/cover fool you - Not a book about death but of Life (and living) and those (both foreign and domestic) that want to deprive you/others of their Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
This book is intended for all audiences - young, old, and everywhere in-between; male, female, not a macho, shoot-em-up, blood and guts, fare; religious, non-religious; political, non-political. However, it is impossible to address the topics and why they want to kill us without delving into some religious texts and politics. The Torah, the Holy Bible, and the Quran, are all addressed; as required to have an honest conversation of the topic and some of their stated reasons GIJIA (Global Islamic Jihadist Interim Army) want to kill Westerners and destroy Western Culture.
"Terror Strikes - Coming soon to a City near you!" is released in conjunction with McHenry Press and ILLUMIFY Media. Available online and in Bookstores now.
http://josephmlenard.us / https://terrorstrikes.info
Media Contact
Joseph M Lenard
2) Suicides Rates Rise Among Veterans, Police Officers, Even After The End Of Covid Lockdowns - Joseph M. Lenard, Bestselling Author Of Historical Fiction Novel, Terror Strikes, Shows Us How To Help
[24/7 Press Releases: https://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/492245/suicides-rates-rise-among-veterans-police-officers-even-after-the-end-of-covid-lockdowns-joseph-m-lenard-bestselling-author-of-historical-fiction-novel-terror-strikes-shows-us-how-to-help]
WILMINGTON, NC, June 23, 2022 /24-7PressRelease/ -- In a recent piece on Military.com, titled, "Since 9/11, Suicide Has Claimed Four Times More Military Lives Than Combat," it was stated that, "More than four times as many troops and veterans of the wars since 9/11 are believed to have died by suicide than were killed in the wars themselves, a new study from Brown University has found.
"In a paper released Monday as part of its Costs of War series, Brown's Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs estimates that 30,177 active-duty personnel and veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have taken their own lives over the last nearly 20 years."
That is staggering. And it is not only veterans. In a recent article on CBS17.com, it was stated that, "The suicide rate among law enforcement officers is rising. Nationwide, on average, the risk of suicide among police is 54 percent higher than workers in other industries."
These are but a few of the headlines in the news today detailing suicide rates in stressful occupations. We have also seen rises in suicides in other groups, most notably teens. Why is this happening and what can we do about it? Joseph M. Lenard, author of the bestselling historical fiction novel, Terror Strikes, recently posted an article in which he offers an up close and very personal look at suicide, and offers advice regarding how we might help those who are having suicidal thoughts. In that article, he said in part:
"Back in 2018 we had two high profile suicides with Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain in just a couple of days' time, but on average 22 Veterans commit suicide daily. Sadly too, those who serve as first responders often fall prey to thoughts of suicide, as well as those with survivors-guilt from heinous criminal and terrorist acts (I discuss this as a sub-theme in my book: Terror Strikes – Coming soon to a City near you!). My thoughts and prayers go out to their families. I have had several on-air interviews with local radio show hosts, over the lockdowns about the spikes in suicide attempts due to the even greater isolation, especially among teens."
"Why do I speak with local radio about suicide? I certainly do not often share this publicly; though the local hosts know; but in 2006 I attempted suicide via an over-dose on drugs. Obviously, that was not a successful attempt - as I'm still here. Every day and every night I still struggle with and fight those feelings, so I know what they deal with."
"I had lost my job and gone onto Social Security Disability in 2004, that led to divorce, which culminated one night in 2006 that something just snapped. Note: others' situations will obviously be different, especially our Veterans suffering PTSD, but regardless of what may seem minor to you, are major catastrophes in their mind and may lead to the same dark place and that suicide is the right option. It is not."
"For me, it was almost surreal, like I wasn't even in control of myself as I took one pill (regular nightly dose) and then, just took another, then several, then a handful. I have no idea how much time later, I awoke in the hospital. I still, all these years on, struggle daily with these thoughts and issues."
"This is something that can afflict male or female, young or old, rich or poor, whatever. I hope that Spade and Bourdain and their families have found some degree of peace. I hope you will join me in thoughts and Prayers, and if you don't mind - if you could include me in those that I can find God's comfort and strength, I'd appreciate it."
"So, now would be a good and important time to reach out to all your family and friends and remind them how much you love them and how much you appreciate them being around. You are not likely to know that someone in your circle is feeling this way. I can't speak 'statistically', but only from my own circumstances and feelings, that they are likely to also feel that they cannot reach out to you - as you will not understand, or may be dismissive, or think less of them. They may."
The full piece, including a number of suicide prevention resources and audio clips, is available at https://www.terrorstrikes.info/post/even-after-the-covid-lockdowns-st ... e-suicides.
Honor. Integrity. Patriotism. -- For some people these are words. For bestselling author Joseph M Lenard, these are the core values that he embodies – every day - deeply ingrained in every facet of his life and work.
It is this set of cherished values he brings to life in his latest #1 bestselling historical fiction novel, Terror Strikes. The book has been compared to The Sum of All Fears and Deep Impact. Joseph M. Lenard shreds the "creative writing process formulaic methodologies" to create a writing style and literature like no other author before.
Billed as a book for conservatives, but appropriate for all readers, this extraordinary new book is a stunning achievement, set apart from even the best historical fiction books, as it clearly demonstrates the need for situational awareness and vigilance in a world in which mass shootings and other forms of terrorism have become the norm. Reviewers have called the book "compelling", "historically accurate", and utterly "unique".
Terror Strikes connects the dots of not just foreign terrorists, but those both foreign and domestic, that abhor Western culture and their attempts through terror attacks and other more shadowy undermining of our collective freedom to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Bruce Fleury wrote in the foreword of Terror Strikes: "Joe Lenard's book Terror Strikes, although a work of fiction, is especially timely and topical… [He takes] on an international crisis that, if not addressed with more urgency, threatens to condemn our descendants to live in a 7th-Century nightmare from which there may very well be no awakening."
Whether you are a staunch conservative, a (planned and ready for if "bad things" happen) prepper, or just have concerns about what is happening in American life and society today, Terror Strikes will answer many of the questions you have regarding terrorism, foreign and domestic, and will make for a remarkable reading experience.
The full text of Lenard's article can be found at https://www.terrorstrikes.info/post/even-after-the-covid-lockdowns-st ... e-suicides. He is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below, or by email at jlenard@terrorstrikes.info. Terror Strikes is available at online and traditional booksellers. More information is available at his websites at https://josephmlenard.us and at https://terrorstrikes.info.
About Joseph M. Lenard:
Joseph is very politically active in south-east Michigan. He is a MIGOP Delegate, a member of current MICD12GOP and is the webmaster for the MI 12CDRC as well as the Taylor Republican Club, as also a member of the Wayne-12CDRC and is the editor for its newsletter.
Joseph's body of works contain copyrighted and published poetry. Joseph has written and recorded music, in the tradition of the Lenard family legacy; though not entirely in the tradition of his father Thaddeus, who was creator/leader of "The Polka Kings" that often toured throughout northeast United States.
In addition, Joseph has about a dozen copyrighted short-stories including Watchful Eyes (sci-fi), Blue Monday (political thriller), Funhouse of Terror (horror) to his credit, as well as one other novel titled, The Gestapo Kidnap File. Joseph was also winner of CJOM (Windsor Ontario Canada) radio contest in the 1980's with his radio play "The Adventures of Detective Idle" based upon the Billy Idol song, Eyes without a Face, to which it was paired with.
He resides in Michigan.
# # #
3) Bestselling Author Joseph M. Lenard, Who Predicted Overturning Of Roe Vs Wade In Historical Fiction Novel Terror Strikes, Issues Statement On Supreme Court's Recent Rulings
[24/7 Press Releases: https://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/492388/bestselling-author-joseph-m-lenard-who-predicted-overturning-of-roe-vs-wade-in-historical-fiction-novel-terror-strikes-issues-statement-on-supreme-courts-recent-rulings]
WILMINGTON, NC, June 29, 2022 /24-7PressRelease/ -- The Supreme Court's ruling overturning Roe Vs Wade has created a firestorm in the US, with all major news organizations carrying the story. The major networks, including ABC, NBC and CBS all approach the ruling from slightly different perspectives. CNN ran a story on how some states were moving quickly to ban abortion and how this will reshape politics. The New York Times noted the protests being held nationwide. Reuters stated that the Vatican is praising the decision. NPR provided a list of the states that have banned abortion.
In short, the Roe V Wade decision is one of the most polarizing topics in recent US history. That will likely not change any time soon. From the majority opinion: "Roe was egregiously wrong from the start. Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences... It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people's elected representatives..."
Joseph M. Lenard, bestselling author of Terror Strikes, and member of Michigan's Upper-Downriver Right-To-Life organization, predicted that Roe V Wade would be overturned in his book. He recently issued a statement, titled "OVERTURNED," on his website. That statement reads in part:
"Let's be clear: RoeVWade was based upon faulty grounds. Even far-left Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg had admitted such. The grounds to murder babies was never actually established within flimsy privacy question of that ruling. So, can I murder someone as long as I do so in the privacy of my own home if I promise to sell off their body parts like PP does? (of course not).
"I knew thee before you were formed in your Mother's womb.
"One does not have to take the Word of someone from the ACLJ or conservative group to understand this. Ruth Bader Ginsberg, in speech to University of Chicago Law School, admitted RoeVWade was a very narrowly focused ruling and she lamented how it did not go far enough toward deciding the actual broader issue of abortion (and establish the ability to kill a child in the womb). Many failed in the decades that followed, in holding the narrow-ruling, but instead allowed Democrats to falsely establish a broader doctrine of/from that ruling via lower court liberal-activist rulings."
The full piece is available at https://www.terrorstrikes.info/post/overturned-just-as-other-bad-prec ... w-roevwade, and even includes access (audio) to WAAM Radio "Abolitionists RoundTable" show/discussion (of which Joseph took part) about the Roe overturn, facts not feelings, what must come next.
From "Terror Strikes" book…
"Abolitionists, the primary founders of the Republican Party, overturned SLAVERY while Democrats insisted Blacks weren't HUMAN. Likewise, the GOP will overturn Abortion while Democrats make the same false narrative today those babies are just a clump of cells in the womb and aren't human...
The Republican Party was the sole driving force in getting passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments and under EQUALITY of ALL HUMANS Abortion would eventually over-turned as everyone knows, despite their denials, a HUMAN in the womb has Rights under the 14th Amendment..." (page 79)
Honor. Integrity. Patriotism. -- For some people these are words. For bestselling author Joseph M Lenard, these are the core values that he embodies – every day - deeply ingrained in every facet of his life and work.
It is this set of cherished values he brings to life in his latest #1 bestselling historical fiction novel, Terror Strikes. The book has been compared to The Sum of All Fears and Deep Impact. Joseph M. Lenard shreds the "creative writing process formulaic methodologies" to create a writing style and literature like no other author before.
Billed as a book for conservatives, but appropriate for all readers, this extraordinary new book is a stunning achievement, set apart from even the best historical fiction books, as it clearly demonstrates the need for situational awareness and vigilance in a world in which mass shootings and other forms of terrorism have become the norm. Reviewers have called the book "compelling", "historically accurate", and utterly "unique".
Terror Strikes connects the dots of not just foreign terrorists, but those both foreign and domestic, that abhor Western culture and their attempts through terror attacks and other more shadowy undermining of our collective freedom to enjoy life, individual/personal liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Bruce Fleury (author himself of: "The Negro Project: Margaret Sanger's Diabolical, Duplicitous, Dangerous, Disastrous and Deadly Plan for [killing] Black America") wrote in the foreword of Terror Strikes: "Joe Lenard's book Terror Strikes, although a work of fiction, is especially timely and topical… [He takes] on an international crisis that, if not addressed with more urgency, threatens to condemn our descendants to live in a 7th-Century nightmare from which there may very well be no awakening."
Whether you are a staunch conservative, a (planned and ready for if "bad things" happen) prepper, or just have concerns about what is happening in American life and society today, Terror Strikes will answer many of the questions you have regarding terrorism, foreign and domestic, and will make for a remarkable reading experience.
The full text of Lenard's article can be found at https://www.terrorstrikes.info/post/overturned-just-as-other-bad-prec ... w-roevwade. He is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below, or by email at jlenard@terrorstrikes.info. Terror Strikes is available at online and traditional booksellers. More information is available at his websites at https://josephmlenard.us and at https://terrorstrikes.info.
About Joseph M. Lenard:
Joseph is very politically active in south-east Michigan. He is a MIGOP Delegate, a member of current MICD12GOP and is the webmaster for the MI 12CDRC as well as the Taylor Republican Club, as also a member of the Wayne-12CDRC and is the editor for its newsletter.
Joseph's body of works contain copyrighted and published poetry. Joseph has written and recorded music, in the tradition of the Lenard family legacy; though not entirely in the tradition of his father Thaddeus, who was creator/leader of "The Polka Kings" that often toured throughout northeast United States.
In addition, Joseph has about a dozen copyrighted short-stories including Watchful Eyes (sci-fi), Blue Monday (political thriller), Funhouse of Terror (horror) to his credit, as well as one other novel titled, The Gestapo Kidnap File. Joseph was also winner of CJOM (Windsor Ontario Canada) radio contest in the 1980's with his radio play "The Adventures of Detective Idle" based upon the Billy Idol song, Eyes without a Face, to which it was paired with.
# # #
4) January 6 Hearings and The Overblown Right Wing Extremist Terrorism Narrative Addressed By Joseph M. Lenard, Author Of Bestselling Historical Fiction Book, Terror Strikes
[FreePublicityGroup: http://www.freepublicitygroup.com/news/author-joseph-lenard-bestselling-historical-fiction-book-terror-strikes-right-wing-extremist-insurrection-july522/]
Lenard is the author of the #1 bestselling historical fiction novel, Terror Strikes.
[WYANDOTTE MICHIGAN - JULY 5, 2022] Bestselling author Joseph M. Lenard recently addressed what has become known as the "right wing extremist terrorism narrative" including the “January 6 Hearings” (deemed as a White Nationalist insurrection). In the first post he presents powerful evidence that "there is very little credence to right-wing terrorism." Instead, he makes the point that it is an "overblown left-wing false narrative to peddle a left-wing agenda."
Specifically, he addresses the myriad of questions the false narrative peddling "January 6 hearings" Star Chamber Show leaders refuse to ask or address, as well as the evidence (or cross-examination under the 6th Amendment protections/guarantees) to counter the accusations and provide substantiation of exoneration. He also asks “where was the outrage,” when left-wing activists occupied both the Wisconsin and U.S. Capitol buildings, and the occupation of the Gallery and disruption (outburst attempts, in violation of Gallery Guest policy/rules,) to unsettle and influence the Kavanaugh hearings, years prior?
In the Washington Post, in a piece titled "Beware the data on American right-wing violence," by Megan McArdle, we find a number of important points that support that position. The article reads in part:
“I’m not cherry-picking a few ambiguous outliers; I’m arguably describing the majority of the incidents in the ADL’s 2021 report. Every one of these killings is a horrific tragedy. But it’s not clear they all have much to do with politics, as the ADL itself acknowledges.”
“One of the most striking features of white supremacist murders is the large proportion of non-ideological killings to ideological killings,” the ADL wrote in its most recent report. “Over the past 10 years, only 86 of the 244 white supremacist killings (35%) were ideological murders.”
One reason for this confusion is that all prison gangs tend to be organized along racial lines, for complex sociological reasons, yet only the White gangs are coded as white-supremacist groups rather than criminal organizations.
Lenard went on to quote Dr. Emeritus Rik Coolsaet, Thomas Renard in "What The Zeitgeist Can Tell Us About The Future Of Terrorism":
“In the United States and across Europe, there is a broad recognition that right-wing extremism has become either the main terrorist threat, or at the very least a seriously growing concern. The racially motivated attack by an 18-year-old in May 2022 in Buffalo (NY), deliberately targeting African Americans and killing ten people before being arrested, was but the latest in a long series of lethal right-wing plots and attacks in the West. In parallel, a relative decline of jihadi activities in Western countries has been noted, resulting in a new balance of (perceived) terrorist threats."
In response Lenard wrote that, "NEO-NAZI groups that exist/operate in America (and several Western Nations . . . ) are all LEFT WING organizations.”
Joseph M Lenard further addresses the issue during speaking engagements on this topic by talking about the lack of education, or rather indoctrination and mis-education, of American youth about Civics – with the proper doctrines - as the right-wing on the political spectrum is anarchy (no government, complete unobstructed freedoms of/for/by all), and the left of the spectrum (including Communism, Fascism, Monarchy, Socialism) is toward full-government controls by one-person, one-party, or “deep-state,” over populace and dictates, with the United States Constitutional Republic a center-right creation by our Founders. “A [representative, Constitutional] Republic, [not a Democracy, mob-rule society, where minority groups within populace retain rights] if you can keep it” as Benjamin Franklin famously stated. Calling left-wing groups like ANTIFA and more using anarchist associated tactics as “right-wing” is pure spin and deception to peddle a false narrative.
These issues/points are further addressed and expounded upon in the two original blogs at https://www.terrorstrikes.info/post/was-jan6-a-white-nationalists-insurrection and https://www.terrorstrikes.info/post/the-overblown-right-wing-extremist-terrorism-narrative.
Honor. Integrity. Patriotism. -- For some people these are words. For bestselling author Joseph M Lenard, these are the core values that he embodies – every day - deeply ingrained in every facet of his life and work.
It is this set of cherished values he brings to life in his latest #1 bestselling historical fiction novel, Terror Strikes. The book has been compared to The Sum of All Fears and Deep Impact. Joseph M. Lenard shreds the “creative writing process formulaic methodologies” to create a writing style and literature like no other author before.
Billed as a book for conservatives, but appropriate for all readers, this extraordinary new book is a stunning achievement, set apart from even the best historical fiction books, as it clearly demonstrates the need for situational awareness and vigilance in a world in which mass shootings and other forms of terrorism have become the norm. Reviewers have called the book "compelling", "historically accurate", and utterly "unique".
Terror Strikes connects the dots of not just foreign terrorists, but those both foreign and domestic, that abhor Western culture and their attempts through terror attacks and other more shadowy undermining of our collective freedom to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Bruce Fleury wrote in the foreword of Terror Strikes: "Joe Lenard’s book Terror Strikes, although a work of fiction, is especially timely and topical… [He takes] on an international crisis that, if not addressed with more urgency, threatens to condemn our descendants to live in a 7th-Century nightmare from which there may very well be no awakening.”
Whether you are a staunch conservative, a (planned and ready for if "bad things" happen) prepper, or just have concerns about what is happening in American life and society today, Terror Strikes will answer many of the questions you have regarding terrorism, foreign and domestic, and will make for a remarkable reading experience.
The full text of Lenard's article can be found at https://www.terrorstrikes.info/post/was-jan6-a-white-nationalists-insurrection and https://www.terrorstrikes.info/post/the-overblown-right-wing-extremist-terrorism-narrative. He is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below, or by email at jlenard@terrorstrikes.info. Terror Strikes is available at online and traditional booksellers. More information is available at his websites at https://josephmlenard.us and at https://terrorstrikes.info.
About Joseph M. Lenard:
Joseph is very politically active in south-east Michigan. He is a MIGOP Delegate, a member of current MICD12GOP and is the webmaster for the MI 12CDRC as well as the Taylor Republican Club, as also a member of the Wayne-12CDRC and is the editor for its newsletter.
Joseph’s body of works contain copyrighted and published poetry. Joseph has written and recorded music, in the tradition of the Lenard family legacy; though not entirely in the tradition of his father Thaddeus (aka: Ted Lenard Jr), who was creator/leader of “The Polka Kings” that often toured throughout northeast United States.
In addition, Joseph has about a dozen copyrighted short-stories including Watchful Eyes (sci-fi), Blue Monday (political thriller), Funhouse of Terror (horror) to his credit, as well as one other novel titled, The Gestapo Kidnap File. Joseph was also winner of CJOM (Windsor Ontario Canada) radio contest in the 1980s with his radio play “The Adventures of Detective Idle” based upon the Billy Idol song, Eyes without a Face, to which it was paired with.
He resides in Michigan.
Joseph M Lenard
5) Cancel Culture at it again, trying to Cancel Terror Strikes book
Wyandotte Monday July 25, 2022
Dear Friends, you hear the CANCEL CULTURE mobs assaults sometimes on FOX or NEWSMAX (latest, Andrew Schulz for his Pro Life stance in his Comedy Special) but I'm a "little guy" (not major established author (yet) to be on their radar and get any major media attention) and FOX and NEWSMAX are not going to tell my story...
THE LEFT CANCEL CULTURE AT IT AGAIN... This time, attacking my #book, trying to prevent others from reading it. WHY? Simple, they do not like the content where it points out The Left, HATES AMERICA, just like foreign #Terrorists. The Left, is trying to destroy America (from within), just like foreign #Terrorism is about destroying Western Culture.
One KindleUnlimited Reader whines about my writing style, something all these Liberal Snowflake Trolls have in common, they are trying to be clever and know enough to AVOID directly dealing in the substance they object to, because then people reading their Review (we're talking Amazon Review trolls here) is bogus and they just want to Cancel and Censor a CONSERVATIVE's writing (again, and as always) who doesn't realize the Kindle reports show she had NO PROBLEM with my writing for many chapters (if you do not like someones writing, you do not just figure that out in the 7th chapter) of her reading into until the LEFT BEING EXPOSED chapters then she stopped reading and attacked. They cannot Win honest debates on substance, so they engage in Ad Hom attacks. And they are all basically copying each others' "critiques" (like J Riley who is a Liberal Troll I've had to Block on Twatter for his endless SNOWFLAKEness and then decided out of spite to trash my book with a fake negative review, that he clearly hadn't read) thinking they are clever and being coy to try and prevent folks from reading what exposes USA LEFTISTS as bad as Terrorists.
So, I hope, you'll check out REVIEWS from all over the Internet online book related sites that I brought all into one easy reference place: http://TerrorStrikes.info/reviews (they only attack me on Amazon, real reviews exist all other places) and all the praise it is getting from CONSERVATIVES AND CONSTITUTIONALISTS LIKE YOU!
Another CANCEL CULTURE story (hope you read my post about them trying to Cancel Culture me and my book with fake negative review attacks (see: https://gab.com/JLenardDetroit/posts/108703261198259936)). This time ANDREW SCHULZ a Comedian the Left is attacking for his PRO LIFE stance and Joke about the Baby Killers. Where he starts the Joke about it being A WOMANS CHOICE and he's ALL FOR THAT because when he goes before the Gates Of Heaven and is confronted with the "What's with all Y'all and Baby Killing?" he will respond with "What's this Y'all stuff - I think it was pretty clear who was making THOSE CHOICES!" So, of course, now the Left is trying to get him CANCELLED - but, hey, idiots, all you've done is ELEVATE HIM to Record Sales of his latest Comedy Special and HIS PRO LIFE POINT! As too, my book makes, about TERRORISM against the unborn in the Womb and how is that murder of innocent Life any different from Terrorists killing of innocent Life (more - see: https://TerrorStrikes.info/quotes)?!?!
Honor. Integrity. Patriotism. -- For some people these are words. For bestselling author Joseph M Lenard, these are the core values that he embodies – every day - deeply ingrained in every facet of his life and work.
It is this set of cherished values he brings to life in his latest #1 bestselling historical fiction novel, Terror Strikes. The book has been compared to The Sum of All Fears and Deep Impact. Joseph M. Lenard shreds the "creative writing process formulaic methodologies" to create a writing style and literature like no other author before.
Billed as a book for conservatives, but appropriate for all readers, this extraordinary new book is a stunning achievement, set apart from even the best historical fiction books, as it clearly demonstrates the need for situational awareness and vigilance in a world in which mass shootings and other forms of terrorism have become the norm. Reviewers have called the book "compelling", "historically accurate", and utterly "unique".
Terror Strikes connects the dots of not just foreign terrorists, but those both foreign and domestic, that abhor Western culture and their attempts through terror attacks and other more shadowy undermining of our collective freedom to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Bruce Fleury wrote in the foreword of Terror Strikes: "Joe Lenard's book Terror Strikes, although a work of fiction, is especially timely and topical… [He takes] on an international crisis that, if not addressed with more urgency, threatens to condemn our descendants to live in a 7th-Century nightmare from which there may very well be no awakening."
Whether you are a staunch conservative, a (planned and ready for if "bad things" happen) prepper, or just have concerns about what is happening in American life and society today, Terror Strikes will answer many of the questions you have regarding terrorism, foreign and domestic, and will make for a remarkable reading experience.
The full text of Lenard's article can be found at https://www.terrorstrikes.info/post/even-after-the-covid-lockdowns-st ... e-suicides. He is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below, or by email at jlenard@terrorstrikes.info. Terror Strikes is available at online and traditional booksellers. More information is available at his websites at https://josephmlenard.us and at https://terrorstrikes.info.
About Joseph M. Lenard:
Joseph is very politically active in south-east Michigan. He is a MIGOP Delegate, a member of current MICD12GOP and is the webmaster for the MI 12CDRC as well as the Taylor Republican Club, as also a member of the Wayne-12CDRC and is the editor for its newsletter.
Joseph's body of works contain copyrighted and published poetry. Joseph has written and recorded music, in the tradition of the Lenard family legacy; though not entirely in the tradition of his father Thaddeus, who was creator/leader of "The Polka Kings" that often toured throughout northeast United States.
In addition, Joseph has about a dozen copyrighted short-stories including Watchful Eyes (sci-fi), Blue Monday (political thriller), Funhouse of Terror (horror) to his credit, as well as one other novel titled, The Gestapo Kidnap File. Joseph was also winner of CJOM (Windsor Ontario Canada) radio contest in the 1980's with his radio play "The Adventures of Detective Idle" based upon the Billy Idol song, Eyes without a Face, to which it was paired with.
He resides in Michigan.
6) US Strike On Al Qaeda Leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri Is Long Overdue Says Joseph M. Lenard, Author Of Bestselling Historical Fiction Novel, Terror Strikes
WYANDOTTE MI, August 2, 2022 -- Al-Zawahiri was killed by US forces in Afghanistan on Sunday.
On Monday, President Biden announced that a counterterrorism operation took out Ayman Al-Zawahiri, an Al Qaeda leader involved in the September 11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York City as well as being a major player in the slaughter of Egyptian Leader Anwar Sadat in 1981. The operation took place nearly 11 years after the 9/11 attack on US soil.
"Finally," was the first phrase bestselling author Joseph M. Lenard uttered. He then went more in-depth with his analysis of the situation:
"These strikes do more than just take out one leader. They have a cascading effect of turmoil within the ranks of the enemy. Several emerging leaders, wanting to fill the void created, might now create internal fighting as they jockey to take Al Zawahiri's place. While they squabble within, they have less time to plot large-scale operations, or engage operationally prior existing plans not yet undertaken. Local intelligence is more important than ever - to be vigilant against threats of smaller scale retaliation strikes from rogue sympathetic unofficial cells, or radicalized individuals that may react, similar to the Wisconsin Christmas Parade assault, that might be put into motion."
According to an article on NBC News, "In 2001, al-Zawahiri escaped U.S. forces when they invaded Afghanistan and toppled the previous Taliban government, which had refused to hand over bin Laden in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Al-Zawahiri's whereabouts were long unknown."
As stated on the ABC News site, Biden, "hailed the operation as a significant win in the fight against terror groups overseas -- including, as the White House was quick to point out almost a year after the messy exit from Afghanistan, in countries where the U.S. no longer maintains a military presence." In the same article, Biden was quoted as saying, "We continue to mourn every innocent life that was stolen on 9/11 and honor their memories. To the families who lost fathers and mothers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, friends and coworkers on that searing September day, it is my hope that this decisive action will bring one more measure of closure."
Joseph M Lenard goes on to comment about the Biden address to the Nation regarding the Al Zawahiri assault on his Terror Strikes websites blog: https://www.terrorstrikes.info/post/al-zawahiri-was-killed-by-us-forces-in-afghanistan-on-sunday.
Honor. Integrity. Patriotism. -- For some people these are words. For bestselling author Joseph M Lenard, these are the core values that he embodies – every day - deeply ingrained in every facet of his life and work.
It is this set of cherished values he brings to life in his latest #1 bestselling historical fiction novel, Terror Strikes. The book has been compared to The Sum of All Fears and Deep Impact. Joseph M. Lenard shreds the “creative writing process formulaic methodologies” to create a writing style and literature like no other author before.
Billed as a book for conservatives, but appropriate for all readers, this extraordinary new book is a stunning achievement, set apart from even the best historical fiction books, as it clearly demonstrates the need for situational awareness and vigilance in a world in which mass shootings and other forms of terrorism have become the norm. Reviewers have called the book "compelling", "historically accurate", and utterly "unique".
Terror Strikes connects the dots of not just foreign terrorists, but those both foreign and domestic, that abhor Western culture and their attempts through terror attacks and other more shadowy undermining of our collective freedom to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Bruce Fleury wrote in the foreword of Terror Strikes: "Joe Lenard’s book Terror Strikes, although a work of fiction, is especially timely and topical… [He takes] on an international crisis that, if not addressed with more urgency, threatens to condemn our descendants to live in a 7th-Century nightmare from which there may very well be no awakening.”
Whether you are a staunch conservative, a (planned and ready for if "bad things" happen) prepper, or just have concerns about what is happening in American life and society today, Terror Strikes will answer many of the questions you have regarding terrorism, foreign and domestic, and will make for a remarkable reading experience.
Joseph M. Lenard is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below, or by email at jlenard@terrorstrikes.info. Terror Strikes is available at online and traditional booksellers. More information is available at his websites at https://josephmlenard.us and at https://terrorstrikes.info.
About Joseph M. Lenard:
Joseph is very politically active in south-east Michigan. He is a MIGOP Delegate, a member of current MICD12GOP and is the webmaster for the MI 12CDRC as well as the Taylor Republican Club, as also a member of the Wayne-12CDRC and is the editor for its newsletter.
Joseph’s body of works contain copyrighted and published poetry. Joseph has written and recorded music, in the tradition of the Lenard family legacy; though not entirely in the tradition of his father Thaddeus (aka: Ted Lenard Jr), who was creator/leader of “The Polka Kings” that often toured throughout northeast United States.
In addition, Joseph has about a dozen copyrighted short-stories including Watchful Eyes (sci-fi), Blue Monday (political thriller), Funhouse of Terror (horror) to his credit, as well as one other novel titled, The Gestapo Kidnap File. Joseph was also winner of CJOM (Windsor Ontario Canada) radio contest in the 1980s with his radio play “The Adventures of Detective Idle” based upon the Billy Idol song, Eyes without a Face, to which it was paired with.
He resides in Michigan.
Joseph M Lenard
7) New Bestselling Historical Fiction Book By Joseph M. Lenard, Terror Strikes, Encourages Situational Awareness On A International Level
[FreePublicityGroup: http://www.freepublicitygroup.com/news/release-joseph-lenard-author-bestselling-terror-strikes-novel-historical-fiction-political-thriller-conservatives-aug2522/]
Lenard’s gripping historical fiction novel is a political thriller detailing the life of a journalist who sets out to write a book about terrorism and gets more than he bargained for.
[WYANDOTTE MICHIGAN AUGUST 25, 2022] The best historical fiction books are those that tie into current events. This brings a sense of heart-pounding realism to the table that might be lacking in historical fiction novels that have little or no anchor in current reality. The headlines today, from the recent killing of Al Qaeda Leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri to the brazen attack on Salman Rushdie, dramatically illustrate that terrorism is not going away any time soon – most likely never. Terrorism will have wide-ranging effects on American society both now and in the future. Lenard gives us a glimpse into what has happened and what we can expect to happen.
Terror Strikes is not a book about death, but one about life and living, and of those enemies, both foreign and domestic, that would deprive others of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Billed as a book for conservatives, but appropriate for all readers, this extraordinary new book is a stunning achievement, set apart from even the best historical fiction books, as it clearly demonstrates the need for situational awareness and vigilance in a world in which mass shootings and other forms of terrorism have become the norm. Reviewers have called the book "compelling", "historically accurate", “philosophical”, “amazingly crafted”, and utterly "unique".
This book is intended for all audiences - young, old, male and female, religious and non-religious; political and non-political. Within the context of a chilling work of fiction, it shows us who the terrorists are, what they have done, what they are doing, and why they will never be able to be persuaded to stop.
Joseph M. Lenard shreds the “creative writing process formulaic methodologies” to create a writing style and literature like no other author before. The book has been compared to The Sum of All Fears meets Deep Impact.
Honor. Integrity. Patriotism. -- For some people these are words. For bestselling author Joseph M Lenard, these are the core values that he embodies – every day - deeply ingrained in every facet of his life and work.
It is this set of cherished values he brings to life in this #1 bestselling historical fiction novel.
Bruce Fleury wrote in the foreword of Terror Strikes: "Joe Lenard’s book Terror Strikes, although a work of fiction, is especially timely and topical… [He takes] on an international crisis that, if not addressed with more urgency, threatens to condemn our descendants to live in a 7th-Century nightmare from which there may very well be no awakening.”
Whether you are a staunch conservative, a (planned and ready for if "bad things" happen) prepper, or just have concerns about what is happening in American life and society today, Terror Strikes will answer many of the questions you have regarding terrorism, foreign and domestic, and will make for a remarkable reading experience.
Joseph M. Lenard is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below, or by email at jlenard@terrorstrikes.info. Terror Strikes is available at online and traditional booksellers. More information is available at his websites at http://josephmlenard.us and at https://terrorstrikes.info.
About Joseph M. Lenard:
Joseph is very politically active in south-east Michigan. He is a MIGOP Delegate, a member of current MICD12GOP and is the webmaster for the MI 12CDRC as well as the Taylor Republican Club, as also a member of the Wayne-12CDRC and is the editor for its newsletter.
Joseph’s body of works contain copyrighted and published poetry. Joseph has written and recorded music, in the tradition of the Lenard family legacy; though not entirely in the tradition of his father Thaddeus, who was creator/leader of “The Polka Kings” that often toured throughout northeast United States.
In addition, Joseph has about a dozen copyrighted short-stories including Watchful Eyes (sci-fi), Blue Monday (political thriller), Funhouse of Terror (horror) to his credit, as well as one other novel titled, The Gestapo Kidnap File. Joseph was also winner of CJOM (Windsor Ontario Canada) radio contest in the 1980’s with his radio play “The Adventures of Detective Idle” based upon the Billy Idol song, Eyes without a Face, to which it was paired with.
He resides in Michigan.
Joseph M Lenard
8) Joseph M. Lenard, Author of Terror Strikes, Issues statement on AntiSemitism
Another AntiSemite with 3 talking-points easily countered…
First, before I address AntiSemitism, let me address the FREE SPEECH issue…
I do not abide MASS LABELING A WHOLE GROUP OF PEOPLE — ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE, PERIOD! It’s about individual intents and actions. We have Free Speech in USA, but we also have FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION (which also means the converse, to NOT associate (not have to hear someone's rants))…
HOWEVER, I agree with the Woman charged in France for her rhetoric about TRAITORS TO HUMANITY…
“The sign also declared “Traitors!!!” while listing a series of names, including French President Emmanuel Macron, Hungarian Jewish billionaire George Soros, Jewish intellectual Bernard-Henri Levy, Jewish economist Jacques Attali, Jewish former Health Minister Agnès Buzyn, French-Israeli telecom magnate Patrick Drahi and World Economic Forum Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab.”
more in: https://www.timesofisrael.com/frenchwoman-faces-antisemitism-trial-over-sign-calling-prominent-jews-traitors/
Seems to me she was/is dealing in SPECIFIC PEOPLE (and I certainly agree with her about #Soros and #KlausSchwab) not blatant KILL ALL JEWS (everything is the fault of ALL JEWS) type nonsense that would be THREATENING RHETORIC and a whole different story. Meanwhile in Iran they chant DEATH TO ISRAEL everyday, and the Ayatollah still has a Twitter account and his FREE SPEECH intact.
Now, as for Anti-Semitism…
I was on RBN – THE RED PILL HARDCORE (Tue evening 8/30/2022 23:00ET) to discuss my book (TERROR STRIKES: COMING SOON TO A CITY NEAR YOU! (see: https://TerrorStrikes.info)) which I hope you’d listened to or will listen to playback where available (https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/the-red-pill-hardcore-with-v-august-30-2022-hour-1/ & https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/the-red-pill-hardcore-with-v-august-30-2022-hour-2/) as the discussion took a turn I had not anticipated and I wrote to “V” (the Host) and RBN/TRPH crew the following I want you to also see too (some of which I have further expounded upon)…
I want to apologize to you (RBN/TRPH crews) and the Listeners. Calling Ali (from Toronto Ontario Canada who called in) an AntiSemite did NOT help the conversation (even though I still think he is) and today I think of all the things I could have and should have said in response (the Mufti (Arabs/Muslims) Hitler alliance in WWII (briefly mentioned in my ATROCITY chapter), USSLiberty (Ali kept tossing out) being a sad dark day in our relationship with Israel but DECADES AGO while Ali ignores attacks on Israel just weeks ago (and US and Israel being FREE NATIONS always going to be Allies despite his protestations), countless Arab Muslim states at PEACE with Israel, but not Lebanon or Syria, how is a few Million Jews deemed such a threat to BILLIONS of Arab Muslims THAT SURROUND ISRAEL and have attacked Israel ever since it’s creation (inc Eqypt and Jordon Israel has been at Peace with for decades now), why have the supposed Palestinians (most of whom are really displaced Jordanians in Lebenon) turned down LAND FOR THEIR OWN STATE deals FIVE TIMES (cuz they HATE JEWS, and it is all about wanting to Kill Jews, more than they love their own Children, not about Peace or their own State), etc) but I was sadly caught off guard by the conversation going the direction he took it. I will NOW, going forward, be better prepared the next time someone takes a conversation that direction (and I pride myself on being far more intellectual and less emotional (knee-jerk responsive) than that).
My book is NOT FOR Arabs that Hate Jews, or Jews that may Hate Arabs/Muslims, or Whites that may Hate Blacks, or Blacks that may Hate Whites, it is AGAINST HATE – about calling out the need to stamp out HATE (all around)!
Not once in the 100 or so Interviews of done to promote the book since Mar (before the book officially released) had the conversation ever taken that turn. But, considering my subject-matter, I should have been better mentally prepared for when it would inevitably gone that direction. I was on THE REASEARCH SHOW with DAWN WILLIAMS a Muslim Woman and she certainly understood where I was coming from and we didn’t have FRICTION like the caller last night tried to sow. I’ve had a couple interviews with folks on the African Cont. and no BLAMING THE JEWS came up in those, they recognize they have been waring there forever, just as the Middle East has back and forth between Suni/Shiite/Kurdish sects for ever before creation of Israel and would be long after if Israel went away tomorrow, and not trying to scapegoat the Jews for it.
Again, wish I would have thought of all these counter-points during the Show, but not that it would have done much good, cuz every one of my counter-points that I did make Ali just ignored and immediately repeated his 3 talking-point items again, over and over, showing he really didn’t have a defensable position. He kept bringing up USSLiberty (yes, sad, someone should have paid for that), BUT (that’s all he’s got, of course) how about the Lebanon Marine Barracks attacks by the Palestinian Terrorists (which sadly Reagan then didn’t retaliate for, but cut and ran, which in part kept the Palestinian attacks coming seeing the USA didn’t really want to get involved and set the tone that they could keep attacking Israel without real consequences, and Islamist Terrorism just kept escalating from that point) and endless Islamist Assaults on Israel and other Western Nations since?!?!? If attacks from Lebanon and/or Syria toward Israel ceased tomorrow so too would any RETALIATIONS from Israel (as Israel only is defending itself, not the aggressor here) there could be Peace just like they have with the other Arab/Muslim Nations around them. If the supposed “Palestinians” laid down their Weapons, there would be Peace, if the Israelis laid down their Weapons, there’d be another Genocide.
The AID that goes into Lebanon (doesn’t get to those in need but instead) is constantly SOLD off by the corrupt Government and/or NGO’s that promise to aid the needy, instead the monies (from those goods sold) then get funneled to the Terrorists organizations to purchase more Weapons to assault Israel with and/or to buy cement to build Tunnels to borrow into Israel to launch assaults (yup, Peaceful people only wanting Peace and their own Land – TOTAL FARCE)! Has there ever been ONE Jewish Murder-Suicide-Vest-Bomber in the “Mulsim territories” trying to slaughter innocent Muslims? We can sure point to plenty of Islamic ones killing Jewish settlers.
Iran still chants DEATH TO ISREAL and DEATH TO UNITED STATES and it is Iran funding most of the Terrorists in Lebanon assaulting Israel over and over. Yet our Biden Admin still wants to try and “make deals” (that we know they already didn’t honor the last one, and just like moronic attempts to think the Taliban in Afghanistan would keep any agreement they pretended to make) with those fanatics (the Iranian Leaders, NOT all the Iranian peoples) and will likely funnel US Taxpayer money to Iran, like did Obama, which most will be re-funnelled to the Terrorists in Lebanon. Anyone willing to OPEN THEIR EYES, can see the OBVIOUS. Some, sadly, choose to remain Blind and cling to their AntiSemitism.
I know “V” said the show is about FREE SPEECH and I was entitled to say what I thought… HOWEVER… Well, obviously I’m still up, as I write this after 3am my time, cuz it was/is bothering me. It was LAZY for me to call him an AntiSemite, just as it is when others constantly throw around the RACIST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC, ISLAMAPHOBIC, etc, terms…
Lastly, I am far from perfect and do at times mis-speak, and I did so last night, Zelensky is indeed Jewish (I mis-spoke and said he was/is not), which adds to the whole idiocy of calling him a NAZI/Fascist and dealing with the whole DE-NAZIfication of Ukraine arguments as I discuss in: http://tinyurl.com/PutinAtrocityApologists. But neither his Faith nor his Ethnicity has ZERO to do with FACTS (whether he were Catholic or Muslim, would not change the FACTS, but indeed would change the situation to/for AntiSemites it appears) surrounding the unprovoked invasion by Russia, as Ukraine posed ZERO THREAT to Russia (none, NYET, ZERO) and the same “but we are just taking in Russian speaking people” the same argument of Hitler for several of his initial territorlial aims (it didn’t fly then, doesn’t fly now).
And also, an aside, about Russia v Ukraine I rattled off countless nations Russia invaded (unprovoked) but can anyone name 1 country Ukraine invaded (NO, cuz the answer is ZERO)! [see related: http://tinyurl.com/PutinAtrocityApologists]
And, again, we all agreed on the #WuhanJabs – Operation Warp Speed, despite good intentions (and we are to Judge “You shall know them by their Fruits” on outcomes/results, not intentions, was a massive failure resulting in BAD MEDICINE and Jabs that were NOT Vaccines despite everyone still insisting they are (they do not make one immune to anything, like a real Vax would, like Polio, TB, etc).
[see related: http://tinyurl.com/VaxerChoiceRallyDownriver]
Now having said all that, I hope you’ll go and listen to the RBN – THE RED PILL HARDCORE (Tue evening 8/30/2022 23:00ET) Show I was on to discuss my book (TERROR STRIKES: COMING SOON TO A CITY NEAR YOU! (see: https://TerrorStrikes.info)) playback is available through: https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/the-red-pill-hardcore-with-v-august-30-2022-hour-1/ & https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/the-red-pill-hardcore-with-v-august-30-2022-hour-2/ now with all the above in mind. And, again, I apologize to all Listeners for my failing to be QUICK ON MY FEET as I needed to be during the discussion in regard to the above.
more: https://beforeitsnews.com/israel/2022/08/another-antisemite-with-3-talking-points-easily-countered-2477919.html
9) Bestselling Author Joseph M. Lenard Partners with The Babylon Bee
[FreePublicityGroup: http://www.freepublicitygroup.com/news/release-bestselling-author-joseph-lenard-book-terror-strikes-babylon-bee-historiclal-fiction-oct322/]
Bestselling Michigan Author Of Terror Strikes, Joseph M Lenard, Partners With The Babylon Bee
While the Babylon Bee (http://BabylonBee.com) is renowned for creating fake and mock headlines centered on Christian News Satire for entertainment, sadly the real terrorism headlines are concerning for everyone all over the globe.
[WYANDOTTE MICHIGAN OCT 3, 2022] Joseph M Lenard, author of a bestselling historical fiction novel, "Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You", has announced a partnership with The Babylon Bee. In the tradition of other satire sites such as The Onion, The Bee has everyone and everything on their radar, from President Trump to Joel Osteen, Zelensky, Biden and The Rings of Power. As stated on their website, "The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life."
That long list includes terrorism, which is why bestselling author Lenard decided to partner with The Bee.
“I have loved parody and satire my entire life and also engaged in development of meme satirical absurdities with a biting point about reality myself,” says Joseph M Lenard “but never to the ‘new degree’ that Babylon Bee has taken the art to.” Which is why he feels such a partnering makes perfect sense. The degree of seriousness of our times calls for the need to maintain a sense-of-humor or we’d be curled up in a corner in the fetal position crying all the time out of fear. Which raises a serious point about Terror Strikes, meant to be about life and living and not death, a warning and sound advice, without trying to engage in mainstream-media style ‘fear-porn’ reporting.
Joe maintains that philosophy of ‘everything in moderation’ aspects of life and love versus the hate and death, fun balanced against seriousness, even amidst some very somber pages in “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” ensuring there is a degree of humor therein also; which again makes the blend of his fact and fiction, (which he calls a “FACTion” genre), a good fit with the Bee blend of fiction to make serious points.
"Terror Strikes" will have a prominent placement in The Bee’s October, email edition, Newsletter “Babylon’s Best” section.
Billed as a book for conservatives, but appropriate for all readers, this extraordinary new book is a stunning achievement, set apart from even the best historical fiction books, as it clearly demonstrates the need for situational awareness and vigilance in a world in which mass shootings and other forms of terrorism have become the norm. Reviewers have called the book "compelling", "historically accurate", “philosophical”, “amazingly crafted”, “definitive book on this topic of our time”, “a much needed wake-up call”, and utterly "unique".
This book is intended for all audiences - young, old, male and female, religious and non-religious; political and non-political. Within the context of a chilling work of fiction, it shows us who the terrorists are, what they have done, what they are doing, and why they will never be able to be persuaded to stop.
Joseph Lenard shreds the “creative writing process formulaic methodologies” to create a writing style and literature like no other author before. The book has been compared to "The Sum of All Fears" meets "Deep Impact".
Honor. Integrity. Patriotism. -- For some people these are words. For bestselling author Joseph M Lenard, these are the core values that he embodies – every day - deeply ingrained in every facet of his life and work.
It is this set of cherished values he brings to life in this #1 bestselling historical fiction novel.
Bruce Fleury wrote in the foreword of "Terror Strikes": "Joe Lenard’s book Terror Strikes, although a work of fiction, is especially timely and topical… [He takes] on an international crisis that, if not addressed with more urgency, threatens to condemn our descendants to live in a 7th-Century nightmare from which there may very well be no awakening.”
Whether you are a staunch conservative, a prepper (ready for the worst), or just have concerns about what is happening in American life and society today, "Terror Strikes" will answer many of the questions you have regarding terrorism, foreign and domestic, and will make for a remarkable reading experience.
Joseph M. Lenard is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below, or by email at jlenard@terrorstrikes.info. "Terror Strikes" is available at online and traditional booksellers. More information is available at his websites at http://josephmlenard.us and at https://terrorstrikes.info.
About Joseph M. Lenard:
Joseph is very politically active in south-east Michigan. He is a MIGOP Delegate, a member of current MICD12GOP and is the webmaster for the MI 12CDRC as well as the Taylor Republican Club, as also a member of the Wayne-12CDRC and is the editor for its newsletter.
Joseph’s body of works contain copyrighted and published poetry. Joseph has written and recorded music, in the tradition of the Lenard family legacy; though not entirely in the tradition of his father Thaddeus, who was creator/leader of “The Polka Kings” that often toured throughout northeast United States.
In addition, Joseph Lenard has about a dozen copyrighted short-stories including Watchful Eyes (sci-fi), Blue Monday (political thriller), Funhouse of Terror (horror) to his credit, as well as one other novel titled, The Gestapo Kidnap File. Joseph was also winner of CJOM (Windsor Ontario Canada) radio contest in the 1980’s with his radio play “The Adventures of Detective Idle” based upon the Billy Idol song, Eyes without a Face, to which it was paired with.
He resides in Michigan.
Joseph M Lenard
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: The Babylon Bee <editor@babylonbee.com>
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2022 at 11:38:59 AM EDT

Many Thanks to the many/various outlets (minor sampling below) that have carried (some/all) my Releases:
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TERROR STRIKES: Affiliates, Interviews, Press Releases, Quotes, Reviews, Trailer