see too JMLenard Author Website
TERROR STRIKES - foreword (by Bruce Fleury)
TERROR STRIKES: Affiliates, Interviews, Press Releases, Quotes, Reviews, Trailer
Joe Lenard's new book Terror Strikes: a.k.a. Terrorist Tracks, although a work of fiction, is especially timely and topical, particularly in view of America's inexplicable and precipitous withdrawal from Afghanistan in late 2021. In doing so, our nation disgraced itself when it abandoned the time-honored practice of "leaving no one behind," yes; but, more importantly, by doing so, the United States opened the door wide open to an increased terror threat by the Taliban, whose rapid takeover of a former ally sent Washington politicos' heads spinning, al Qaeda, whom we had previously crushed in the wake of the devastating September 11 terror attacks on New York City, Washington, DC and Stoystown, PA; ISIS, which we destroyed virtually overnight with ruthless efficiency, resolve, and force of arms; Islamic Jihad, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and other groups sworn to destroy not only the U.S., Israel, and our allies in the Middle East, but Western civilization itself, and usher in a worldwide Islamic caliphate.
Joe's book examines the terror threat from a different angle, in that, as the author of this book, he looks at it from the perspective of Marten, the novel's protagonist who, himself, is writing a book of his own on this very subject. In addition, Joe provides his own commentary and insights at various points along the way, to ensure we never forget what happened at the hands of the monsters who, as George W. Bush reminded us in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, possess a hatred far in excess of their meager numbers. But Joe doesn't stop there; lest we forget the existential danger posed not only to this country, he also reminds us of other past terrorist actions in places like London, England, and Madrid, Spain, just to name a few.
Terror Strikes: a.k.a Terrorist Tracks is the culmination of a years-long effort Joe mounted that has finally come to fruition. And now, we all have the privilege of reading one man's (two men, actually, Joe and Marten) take on an international crisis that, if not addressed with more urgency, threatens to condemn our descendants to live in a 7th-Century nightmare from which there may very well be no awakening, if any.
We can't say we haven't been warned.
-Bruce Fleury
Bruce Fleury is…
Author of - The Negro Project: Margaret Sanger's Diabolical, Duplicitous, Dangerous, Disastrous And Deadly Plan For Black America.
Talk-show radio host – the Abolitionists RoundTable (ART) on WAAM radio Sat’s 9am.
Thank you so much Bruce for your kind words....
#Life matters! #AllLivesMatter.
I do NOT stop w/ #GIJIA #terrorists in my coming book!
This book is intended for all audiences - young, old, and everywhere in-between; male, female; religious, non-religious; political, non-political. However, it is impossible to address the topic and why they want to kill us without delving into some religious texts and politics. The Torah, the Holy Bible, and the Quran, are all, places there-in, addressed.
[Mon. Feb. 6th 2023 update - see too: LIFE AND LIVING page]
From the Author
This is NOT a book about death, but one about LIFE (and Living) and of those (foreign and domestic) that would deprive others of that Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
This book is intended for all audiences - young, old, and everywhere in-between; male, female, not just for macho shoot-em-up, blood and guts, fare; religious, non-religious; political, non-political. However, it is impossible to address the topics and why they want to kill us without delving into some religious texts and politics. The Torah, the Holy Bible, and the Quran, are all addressed.
Islamic fundamentalists (GIJIAS (Global Islamic Jihadist Interim Army Soldiers)) terrorists - who they are, what they have done, what they are doing, and why they will never be able to be persuaded to stop. And NOT just about foreign Terrorists, but too USA FASCICRATS destroying America and all Western Culture from within.
From the Inside Flap
"Terror Strikes - Coming soon to a City near you!" from Joseph M. Lenard who puts the traditional "formulaic writing guidelines" through the shredder for a book like no other.
Joseph M Lenard and Terror Strikes book affiliated with...
the Authors Show, Buy Michigan Now, Illumify Media / McHenry Press, Kreative Circle, Mammoth Nation, OnlineBookClub, PSI-TV.
This is NOT a book about death, but one about LIFE (and Living) and (ANY/ALL) those that would deprive someone of that Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
-Joseph M. Lenard

Honor. Integrity. Patriotism. --- For some people these are words. For bestselling author Joseph M Lenard, these are the core values that he embodies – every day - deeply engrained in every facet of his life and work.
It is this set of cherished values he brings to life in his latest #1 bestselling historical fiction novel, Terror Strikes. The book has been compared to The Sum of All Fears and Deep Impact. Joseph M. Lenard shred the “creative writing process formulaic methodologies” to create a writing style and literature like no other Author before.
Billed as a book for conservatives, but appropriate for all readers, this extraordinary new book is a stunning achievement, set apart from even the best historical fiction books, as it clearly demonstrates the need for situational awareness and vigilance in a world in which mass shootings and other forms of terrorism have become the norm. Reviewers have called the book "compelling", "historically accurate", and utterly "unique".
Terror Strikes connects the dots of not just foreign terrorists, but those both foreign and domestic that abhor Western culture and their attempts through terror attacks and other more shadowy undermining of our collective freedom to enjoy our individual lives, liberty, and the personal pursuit of happiness.
Whether you are a staunch conservative, a prepper, or just have concerns about what is happening in American life/society today, Terror Strikes will answer many of the questions you have regarding terrorism, foreign and domestic, and will make for a remarkable reading experience.