see too JMLenard Author Website
TERROR STRIKES - history (March 17th)
NEWS, just in time to share over Green Beers!
Well, yes, of course, March 17th most notable these
days for ST. PATRICKS DAY celebrations and Green
Beer - but what else happened on March 17th over
the years?
see: https://www.onthisday.com/day/march/17
First (or again), Thank you for Subscribing (if you have
already) to/for Terror Strikes updates, or having "reached out" via the CONTACT form in the past, or is you haven't we hope you'll take the time to do so now (Subscribe via HOMEPAGE, Contact via CONTACT-PAGE)...
NOTE (IF/WHEN YOU SUBSCRIBE (which function will disappear following book release)) that I/we are NOT COLLECTING a bunch of data on you. SUBSCRIPTION service via the TERROR STRIKES Website did/does NOT ask you for your address, or more-so even your cell phone number to bombard you with texts (or worse, SELL YOUR INFO to someone else for profit (we hate that as much as you))!
MAJOR UPDATES/NEWS, ever moving forward to April 15th 2022 release...
Updates to ABOUT PAGE: http://www.terrorstrikes.info/about-the-book
and addition of LINKS PAGE: http://www.terrorstrikes.info/links
(both the ABOUT and LINKS pages will continue being updated to add more info post book release)
latest status updates - see: http://TerrorStrikes.info/status.
ALSO/ADDITION: You get a SNEAK PEEK at the Cover art (finalized 03/17/22) as well as SNEAK PEEK at the Back cover art (also finalized revisions approved 03/17/22) - see:
http://www.terrorstrikes.info/artwork (most-way down page)!
We anticipate BOOK PRE-SALE to begin on or about March 31st 2022 via AMAZON (and Kindle eBook soon to follow) with full release (barring major unforeseen issue arising) to make the April 15th (Good Friday and Tax Man tyranny Day) release (PRE SALE orders SHIP DATE)!
TERROR STRIKES (coming soon... to a location near you) to be first Publication on/with/new MCHENRY (yes, like the Fort, for which the Star Spangled Banner was written) PRESS (a coming new subsidiary of ILLUMIFY MEDIA (which will be their "Conservative authors" political fair/line))! I/we will even be beating our good Friend's PATRICK COLBECK's second (in production, which you are getting inside information about that here too) book on this new platform! Look for more on this coming soon via the http://TerrorStrikes.info/status page.
Joseph M. Lenard (author)
This is NOT a book about death, but one about LIFE (and Living) and of those (foreign (terror strikes) and domestic (killing/murder of the unborn)) that would deprive others of that Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
This book is intended for all audiences - young, old, and everywhere in-between (in fact written in a manner so-as to be giftable to High-School students to get Historic information to challenge their Indoctrination is leaving out); male, female, not just for macho shoot-em-up, blood and guts, fair; religious, non-religious; political, non-political. However, it is impossible to address the topics and why they want to kill us without delving into some religious texts and politics. The Torah, the Holy Bible, and the Quran, are all addressed.
TERROR STRIKES is a Constitutionalist Conservatives book.
MCHENRY PRESS will become a leading Publisher of American Patriot Authors. I am SO HONORED to be asked to be part of the History beginning now, as the first Author (and my book: TERROR STRIKES) to be released on MCHENRY PRESS. (see Mar. 3rd History: https://www.terrorstrikes.info/history-march3)
Joseph M. Lenard

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.