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TERROR STRIKES - illustrations
Page creation: April 15, 2022 | Last update(s): July 4, 2022
The only thing necessary for Evil to triumph is the absence of Good people to act. Edmond Burke
Message from author Joseph M. Lenard: When I first envisioned the Terror Strikes book it was going to have an artist illustration atop each Chapter to tease/represent each chapter. However, as time passed, I opted for a Chapter quote/remark tease instead (as you'll see when you read TERROR STRIKES). I have a young friend "The Noah Bowers" looking to break into the artists renderings/illustration world, so I will eagerly/happily present some illustrations from Noah here based upon and/or inspired by TERROR STRIKES storyline for your pleasure.
Another, ADDED BONUS (see intro), beyond the pages of the book.

Chapter 1: The Storm
Chapter 2: Awakening

Terror Strikes - What kind of book is this? What kind of genre is the TERROR STRIKES book? Is it more than the title suggests?
Terror Strikes - introduction (audio blurb)

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.