see too JMLenard Author Website
- artwork
Terror Strikes is not just a book, but a book within a book as the lead, Marten a newspaper man, is writing a book about terrorism. It is also a blog, within a book, as Marten uses his blog as some source material. Terror Strikes not only acts as a history lesson and warning, but concepts of not just those lost but survivors guilt and other related issues surrounding violent acts effecting everyday life.
Early artwork
The only thing necessary for Evil to triumph is the absence of Good people to act. Edmond Burke
Just added...
Chapters inspired ILLUSTRATIONS (added bonus to the book) page.
Website artwork

Early potential cover mock-up (rough concept (v4))
Early "cartoon" mock-up of one theme/variation... Shows (while giving good representation of "in book elements") would be "too busy" of a cover to consider move to "live action" "real life" adaptation viability... Another option, likely closer to website "countdown" theme, being examined...

Back page art a reasonable potential representation... Additional mock-up(s) for back too still likely to be examined also though...
Early potential back mock-up (rough concepts (v2 and v3))

IMPORTANT NOTE: AFA (American Family Assoc.) logo use "PERMISSION PENDING." Contact them and ask them to endorse this book about LIFE, LIVING, FAMILY VALUES! http://afa.net
UPDATE (Wed. 2/16) the AFA has responded, their new/current policy is to only endorse a/any book if it were published and exclusively offered by/through/with AFA. I cannot limit the release under such. I am reaching out to several Children / Family Charity organizations to potentially work with instead. In order to further aid locally - I will be donating part of my royalties to any such.
This book is intended for all audiences - young, old, and everywhere in-between; male, female; religious, non-religious; political, non-political. However, it is impossible to address the topic and why they want to kill us without delving into some religious texts and politics. The Torah, the Holy Bible, and the Quran, are all, places there-in, addressed.
Typeset (2/23) preview - sneaking a peek inside the book...

2nd round potential cover mock-ups (rough concepts (3/11))

Submitted back for revisions - issues...
Cover-1 concept: IF a bullet was to be used for the "I" in "STRIKES" it was made clear up-front it MUST BE an 7.62x39, Russian, metal (not brass) jacket, AK-47, round; as AK-47's are the choice of most organized Terror Cells, and what is there is not the right one. And no Clock.
Cover-2 concept: the Clock that was to be the main theme seems secondary to the cross-hairs (which was supposed to be another minor theme, like the bullet, and only part of the "O" in "TERROR") as the Clock indicates/displays the heightened "SOON" (REAL SOON, any minute now) an attack may happen.
Cover-3 concept: No Clock and again the cross-hairs what was to be minor theme made key item instead.
ALL COVERS: name MUST APPEAR as "Joseph M. Lenard" as there is a NC Joseph Lenard that has published books and distinction between us required.
Later potential cover mock-ups (3/16/22)

We have a winner! Cover 4 (Left) will be the cover art of the book.
Full sleeve/jacket mockup art (draft)

Front cover final (above) Back cover revision (below) - ready for print!

Just added (3/19/22)... Chapters inspired...
ILLUSTRATIONS (added bonus to the book) page.
TERROR STRIKES - book trailer (03/26/22)
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.