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قريبا سوف يضربون

الشيء الوحيد الضروري لانتصار الشر هو عدم وجود أهل الخير للعمل. ادمون بورك



لا احد

Star of David

من أي إيمان



قريبا ... إلى موقع قريب منك ...

ضربات إرهابية من الجو


الضربات الإرهابية على القطار

High Speed Train

ضربات إرهابية على الحافلة

Yellow Bus on the Bridge

Honor. Integrity. Patriotism.  ---  For some people these are words. For bestselling author Joseph M Lenard, these are the core values that he embodies – every day - deeply engrained in every facet of his life and work.

It is this set of cherished values he brings to life in his latest #1 bestselling historical fiction novel, Terror Strikes. The book has been compared to The Sum of All Fears and Deep Impact. Joseph M. Lenard shred the “creative writing process formulaic methodologies” to create a writing style and literature like no other Author before.

Billed as a book for conservatives, but appropriate for all readers, this extraordinary new book is a stunning achievement, set apart from even the best historical fiction books, as it clearly demonstrates the need for situational awareness and vigilance in a world in which mass shootings and other forms of terrorism have become the norm. Reviewers have called the book "compelling", "historically accurate", and utterly "unique".

Terror Strikes connects the dots of not just foreign terrorists, but those both foreign and domestic that abhor Western culture and their attempts through terror attacks and other more shadowy undermining of our collective freedom to enjoy  our individual lives, liberty, and the personal pursuit of happiness.

Whether you are a staunch conservative, a prepper, or just have concerns about what is happening in American life/society today, Terror Strikes will answer many of the questions you have regarding terrorism, foreign and domestic, and will make for a remarkable reading experience.

Learn more about "Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you!" by reading more below on this HOME page or consider reading the special page (see too the and pages). 

Affiliates, Interviews, Press ReleasesQuotes, Reviews, Trailer

يُضرب الإرهاب في أي وقت وفي أي مكان قد لا تتوقعه فيه على الأقل

Couple Buying Asparagus
The Restaurant
Baseball Game

ملاحظة من المؤلف :
هذا ليس كتابًا عن الموت ، ولكنه كتاب عن الحياة (والحياة)  تلك (الأجنبية والمحلية) التي من شأنها أن تحرم شخصًا ما من تلك الحياة والحرية والسعي وراء السعادة.

الريح ...


الضربات الإرهابية ليست مجرد كتاب ، لكنها كتاب داخل كتاب حيث يقوم القائد ، مارتن ، رجل صحيفة ، بتأليف كتاب عن الإرهاب. إنها أيضًا مدونة ، داخل كتاب ، حيث يستخدم Marten مدونته كمصدر لبعض المواد. الضربات الإرهابية لا تعمل فقط كدرس في التاريخ وتحذير ، ولكن ليس فقط مفاهيم أولئك الذين فقدوا ، ولكن ذنب الناجين والقضايا الأخرى ذات الصلة المحيطة بأعمال العنف التي تؤثر على الحياة اليومية.

اعتداء على أسلوب حياتك ...

الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل - متقارب ...

Los Angeles

لوس أنجلوس
الولايات المتحدة

Vegas - Image by Grant Cai

الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

Chicago - Image by Sawyer Bengtson


الولايات المتحدة أ.


الولايات المتحدة

Statue of Liberty - New York

الولايات المتحدة

تورنتو كندا

London UK - In the City


Eiffel Tower Paris France


Madrid Spain


Tokyo Japan - Image by Jase Bloor


Do you have the Situational Awareness to reduce your risk of being their next Victim?

US Flag Image by Cristina Glebova
Canada / Canadian Flag Image by Dillon Lobo
UK / Britain / British / Flag Image by simon frederick
France / French Flag Image by Rafael Garcin
Image by Max Harlynking
Japan / Japanese Flag and cherry blossoms
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00:00 / 02:51
J.M.Lenard - What genre is this book?
00:00 / 11:47

Keywords: Terror, Terrorism, Terrorists, Situational Awareness, the future of Terror, Politics, Faith, Religion, Christian, Christianity, Islam, Islamic, Jew, Judaism, Judeo/Christian, Political Thriller, Terrorism Thrillers, Political Fiction, FACTion, Historical Fiction, Political Thrillers and Suspense, book, books, #bookstagram, best-seller, best seller, #readabook, #TheAuthorsShow, PSItv, reading is fundamental, Goodreads, The Online Book Club, BooksAMillion, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, Softcopy, Suicide, Suicide Prevention, Crime, Criminals, Justice Reform, ILLUMIFY media, McHenry Press, Self Publishing, Radio, TV, Podcast, WIX, Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo, Mass shooting, Constitution, Conservative, Conservatism, United States, Buy, Shop, Shopping, Gift, Gifts, Fathers Day, Memorial Day, Armed Forces Day, Veterans Day, Jessica Star, Robin Willian, Anthony Bordain, Hitler, Saddam Huessein, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, GIJIA, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Nuclear, War, War on Terrorism, WWII, WWIII, World War Three, situational awareness, counter-terrorism, counter-strike team


أبحث دائمًا عن فرص جديدة ومثيرة. دعنا نتواصل.

Keywords: Terror, Terrorism, Terrorists, Situational Awareness, the future of Terror, Politics, Faith, Religion, Christian, Christianity, Islam, Islamic, Jew, Judaism, Judeo/Christian, Political Thriller, Terrorism Thrillers, Political Fiction, FACTion, Historical Fiction, Political Thrillers and Suspense, book, books, #bookstagram, best-seller, best seller, #readabook, #TheAuthorsShow, PSItv, reading is fundamental, Goodreads, The Online Book Club, BooksAMillion, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, Softcopy, Suicide, Suicide Prevention, Crime, Criminals, Justice Reform, ILLUMIFY media, McHenry Press, Self Publishing, Radio, TV, Podcast, WIX, Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo, Mass shooting, Constitution, Conservative, Conservatism, United States, Buy, Shop, Shopping, Gift, Gifts, Fathers Day, Memorial Day, Armed Forces Day, Veterans Day, Jessica Star, Robin Willian, Anthony Bordain, Hitler, Saddam Huessein, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, GIJIA, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Nuclear, War, War on Terrorism, WWII, WWIII, World War Three, situational awareness, counter-terrorism, counter-strike team

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