see too JMLenard Author Website
Joseph M. Lenard media
- affiliations
Joseph M. Lenard wishes to express his very sincere THANKS to his Book/Media partners! Also, to you the Purchasers/Readers of his books. Please note that some of his/our partners have included either a Review or other form of Write-up regarding TERROR STRIKES or HOW TO WRITE A BOOK AND GET IT PUBLISHED (HTWABAGIP) and/or have conducted an Interview with Joseph M. Lenard; and in those cases are included with their acknowledgement/mention below. Please note too, however, Joseph M. Lenard has appeared, and continues to appear, with many Podcasters as well as Terrestrial Radio Shows and TV to discuss himself and his Books - see a sampling (interviews that cover the most wide-degree of question/answer breadth-and-depth for review (putting them all on the page would be information overload and in some cases repetitive)): http://TerrorStrikes.info/interviews or HTWABAGIP TheAuthorsShow interview.
ART of Michigan, 1600AM WAAM Radio Ann Arbor
Those in Michigan who donate ($50 or more) to the Listener supported/funded ART of Michigan at ART, P.O.Box 135, Garden City, Michigan USA 48135, will receive and FREE COPY of "Terror Strikes: Coming soon to a City near you!" or Bruce Fleury's "The Negro Project" book. Listen Live Sat's 9amET: WAAM1600Live.

Official release date broadcast
Wed April 20th 2022 (all day)

TheAuthorsShow internet-radio interview from Fri. Apr. 8th 1400ET.
Is there a central message in the book? If you were to compare this book to other book(s)/movie(s), what would they be? Can you tell us about Terrorism in these days of Wuhan-virus lockdowns? Could a national/federal adaption of Rudy's NY "Broken Windows" policing policy have prevented 9/11? What are GIJIAS? Listen/Watch discussion:

PRLog: https://www.prlog.org/12914159-author-joseph-lenard-launches-his-international-book-terror-strikes.html
Moving Mountains with Sasha: Link
Moving Mountains with Sasha, iHeartRadio: Link
ExecuPeaks: Link
ExecuPeaks, iHeartRadio: Link
ExecuPeaks Medium:

Vote for TERROR STRIKES to be Book Of The Year (BOTY) at:
PSI TV interview Thu. Apr. 7th 14:30pET (And as can be found on ROKU TV & Amazon Fire Stick/TV).
Interview topics: Book and BLOG within a book? Shifts in modern Journalism? #TheMighty200 and Twitter Censorship?
PTSD, Survivors Guilt, other Depressions and Suicide Prevention? Did Terrorism take a hiatus during Wuhan?
Watch the discussion about TERROR STRIKES here:
TERROR STRIKES: Affiliates, Interviews, Merch, Press Releases, Quotes, Reviews, Trailer
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.